wfl questions

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wfl questions

Post by alain »

Hi two questions:

When I open a file with a wfl with the same name the wfl is not automatically opened. It's an option on the open file dialog and is checked by default.

Is there a way to connect the .wfl to the resulting file (containing a reference to the original file in it)?

example :


--> color.tif; color.wfl
--> BW.tif; BW.wfl

When opening color/BW.tif it would show the result and all steps thet let to it.
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Re: wfl questions

Post by ksinkel »

You can open an image and apply a saved workflow to it either from the File/Open dialog or the browser.

To apply it from the File/Open dialog, choose the "Apply associated workflow file" option in the Workflow section of the dialog.

To apply it when opening an image from the browser, right -click on the image and choose the "Open Image and Apply Workflow" option.

Incidentally an image file named orig.tif would have a workflow file named orig.tif.wfl. That is, the original tf extension is used in the .wfl filename.

Kiril Sinkel
Digital Light & Color
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Re: wfl questions

Post by ksinkel »

Here is an additional point -- the workflow file you apply does not have to be th associated workflow file. Both File/Open and the browser allow you to apply any wfl file to the image. To do so, use the Apply Selected Workflow file option in the File Open dialog or in the little dialog that is displayed when you select the Apply Workflow option in the browser.

Kiril Sinkel
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Re: wfl questions

Post by alain »

Thanks for the fast reply.

I use DAM software and the different versions are inside one logical unit (read visible as one picture with several versions.)

As far as I understand now : If I want to change a specific version: I would need to open the original file and apply the .wfl from the specific version while opening, then change some settings inside the

If I want to change one version the most logical step "for me" would be open the resulting file of that version with a associated .wfl (which is not applied to the file at that time), adapt some transforms (or masks) and redo them (this time starting from the in the .wfl registered original file off course).

BTW. I fail to open a .wfl file after an image is open. So image orig.tif is open (and visible on the screen) and I want to open color.tif.wfl to get from orig.tif to color.tif (and adapt it). I can only find that by explicit reopening the orig.tif after closing it. I probably miss something obvious.
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Re: wfl questions

Post by ksinkel »

The workflow feature in Picture Window is quite rich and there are many ways of applying it. It can be used for tasks from simply recording your editing steps for a particular image to creating a set of standard actions that you can apply to hundred or even thousands of images. So there are many ways to use it -- which way is best varies from case to case.

For example, if you have developed standard workflows (such as bw.wfl which perhaps converts images to b+w) you might want to start by opening the workflow file first in a workflow window, then adding one or more images that you want to convert to the window and running the workflow. You can also enhance the workflow to add copright and author information to exif comments, add borders and captions, crop to standard aspect ratios, resize, convert to different file types, etc.

This is just one possibility. I encourage you to experiment with the workflow feature to develop procedures which meet your particular needs and match your working style.

Kiril Sinkel
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Re: wfl questions

Post by alain »

Thanks for the fast reply. I already found some very nice features for the workflow feature and will look further into it.

A specific question : I can't open a .wfl file after an image is open. So image orig.tif is open (and visible on the screen) and I want to open color.tif.wfl to get from orig.tif to color.tif (and adapt the workflow). I can only open the workflow explicit reopening the orig.tif with the correct .wfl file after closing the images first. I probably miss something obvious.

So is it possible to open a .wfl after the images is already open and get the same "state" as when the image and .wfl are opened at the same time?

BTW. It would save me quite some time.
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Re: wfl questions

Post by ksinkel »

There is no feature currently for applying a workflow on disk to already-opened images. (To do that, just close the image and reopen with apply workflow set, as outlined in my replies above.)

However, you can apply a workflow associated with an image opened on the screen to other images on screen or disk. This feature is designed to let you apply the edits you made to a particular image to other images that are like it. So for instance you might go through a series of transformations on an image. Once you get it to look exactly like yu want it, it is easy to repeat the operations automatically on other images from the same series.

To apply such a workflow to an open image, click on the History tab in the browser, right click on the terminal image of an edited series of images and select Apply Workflow. You can then apply it to one or more images on the screen or the disk.

Kiril Sinkel
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Re: wfl questions

Post by alain »

Thanks, but mostly it are specific masks etc.

"There is no feature currently for applying a workflow on disk to already-opened images. (To do that, just close the image and reopen with apply workflow set, as outlined in my replies above.) "
--> I'll do it that way.
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