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Update Available - Version 8.0.274

Posted: February 15th, 2022, 3:10 pm
by jsachs
An update is available to Version 8.0.274 (15-Feb-2022)

The changes (taken from the update log) are:

Brightness Curve: fixed problem with amount slider when no mask was present.

Lines, Arrows, Text Tool: fixed problem causing Snap to 45 Degrees button state not being preserved when editing transformation. The Text button now brings up a menu if there is already a text box -- the options are Remove Text Box or Edit Text Box. Otherwise a text box is added and a text control window is displayed. Closing the text control window no longer removes the text box.

Hue Saturation Transformation: added black/white buttons that appear when Show Affected Region is checked. Selecting the white button displays totally unaffected regions as white instead of black.

Paint, Smudge, Levels and Color, Clone Tools: Pressing Ctrl-Shift-R instead of Ctrl-R restores the last tool settings without reloading any of the strokes you painted on the image.