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back to batch #1

Posted: September 8th, 2021, 12:32 pm
by rfuerman
-- Have tried several times to post this, but see the dreaded, "internal server error," so here is post in two parts:
There are two paths to image editing in PW: 1) open files to Image browser (IB), edit, then save or export, or 2) use the batch process to update one or more images and save, where the script file is a sub set of batch to save the batch process for re-use.
a) The batch process pdf says "Differences between Batch Mode and Normal Mode."
b) Help for scripts says "Applying the same sequence of operations to multiple images." Help for batch processing says "it can involve performing a complicated series of operations on a series of images.." Same?

These two paths or modes are not distinct. Suggest that the batch/script process be kept together as its own work flow:
1) If IB editing is primary work flow for PW users, then user who double clicks on the top 'file open' transform in IB should open the 'open image file' dlg to add files directly to IB. This path has no use for the file open(2) dlg (this is dlg with batch file list).
2) user who R clicks top 'file open' transform in IB should see, in pop-up menu:
a) open the 'open image file' dlg to add files directly to IB; same as menu | file | open..
b) Open the file open(2) dialog with selected file only file in file list & selected; same as current double click on 'file open' transform;
c) Open the file open(2) dialog with selected file first in file list & selected, all IB files added to file list. Similar to menu | file | open multiple..
3) Rename the top level 'menu | script' to menu | batch or batch/script to keep batch and script workflow items together.
4) move the menu | file | open multiple.. item to the menu | batch/script. Rename this menu item to menu | batch/script | open for batch.. Help for this item says "first one (file) is opened and the rest are added to the file list."
a) We now know that user intends to create a batch, so the file open(2) dialog should be opened with this command.
b) This file open(2) dlg is now used to add files to file list & manage the file list for the batch.