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Workspace Scripts and Snippets housekeeping

Posted: July 7th, 2021, 5:15 am
by tomczak
As I was trying to organize/delete/rename Workspace Scripts and Snippets, it took me a while to recall that they are in C:\Users\[UserName]\Documents\Picture Window Pro\ in 'Snippets' and 'Workspace Scripts' subfolders.

I was thinking that it may be useful to be able to open those folders from the PWP/Scripts or have some mechanism to sort them out from within the PWP?

Re: Workspace Scripts and Snippets housekeeping

Posted: July 7th, 2021, 7:32 am
by jsachs
When you load or save scripts, workspace scripts, snippets, or for that matter settings files from any transformation, PWP navigates to the folder corresponding to the type of file you are saving or loading. Windows displays the current location of this folder at the top of the File Save or File Open dialog box:
ss.jpg (5.83 KiB) Viewed 914 times
You can right-click on this to copy the address to the clipboard and then paste it into a new copy of Windows Explorer to get to the folder. Or, you can make create folders or copy, move, rename or delete files directly within the File Open or File Save dialog box which are actually just special copies of Windows Explorer. Just make sure if you do this to Cancel the File Open or File Save operation when you are done.