File association selection at install

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File association selection at install

Post by afx »

When installing PWP 7 it wants to associate as the default handler with various file types.
There is no easy way to toggle all of them which makes turning all of them off but one or two a bit annoying.

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Dieter Mayr
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Re: File association selection at install

Post by Dieter Mayr »

I had a discussion with Kiril about that.
As the Installer is a 3rd-party product it seems not to be so easy to simply add a "uncheck all" button.
But this appears only at the first installtion, at least on my machine (WinXP).
All update installations had all associations uncheked, already.
A way to deal with that is to install with all the associations checked, and remove them later from within PWP (Flie - Associations - Select All - Remove)
Dieter Mayr