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Re: PWP Seminar(s)

Posted: January 20th, 2012, 11:10 pm
by Marpel
It's nice to see things starting to roll and hopefully we can decide on whether a video "vault" (perhaps accessible through a link on this site) or webinar, or a combination of both, is the best/easiest way to go. As I alluded in a previous post, I would be relying on others to do most of the work as I am not learned enough with this program to offer any instruction (sort of a taker rather than a giver, in this case, I'm afraid).

Mark, not sure if I could actually provide any type of meaningful help, but I will e-mail you my offer to assist.

Den, lunch sounds good to me and, although I agree a short wait for better weather is in order, I just picked up my brand new truck yesterday, which begs to be driven, so am quite amenable to travelling closer to your locale. I will contact you via e-mail.



Re: PWP Seminar(s)

Posted: January 21st, 2012, 2:03 pm
by doug
If the concept of a seminar, a webinar or additional video tutorials moves forward, I will be a "consumer" of instructional content and not a "provider" thereof. In that context, I'd like to offer a thought for you providers to contemplate.

I am a real old-school guy (approaching 70 years of age) and appreciate PWP for the following characteristics that Den frequently highlights. That is, PWP requires you to "manage" or "drive" the process and doesn't primarily offer black-box solutions where you push a button to trigger a cluster of "transformation" steps that are "automatically" executed for you out of sight. Den calls this working under the hood. I think of it as seeing what goes on behind the curtain.

In this vein, while I do appreciate being told "what" to do, one of the things I miss in tutorials (even Den's) is understanding "why" that step does what it does. To that end I have occasionally communicated with Den offline via e-mail. Recognizing that conveying the "why" behind certain steps would be easiest in face-to-face seminars and most difficult in video or written tutorials, I still want to put forth a request to keep in the back of your mind, the desire of some of us to understand "why" (and not just "what" or "how"). Once we understand the theory of why doing something this way versus that way works best, we have an improved chance of thinking through the steps that might solve a different post processing challenge in the future.

Re: PWP Seminar(s)

Posted: January 24th, 2012, 7:03 pm
by dvhirst
OK, I've seen some really good ideas on this thread. The questions I have now are:
* How do we make something really happen?
* Are DEN, Jonathan, Kiril, others in a position to help? How?
* What technical issues stand in the way of preparing content?
* Who else can pitch in? How can they help? What's missing?

Let's keep this conversation going...

Re: PWP Seminar(s)

Posted: January 24th, 2012, 7:07 pm
by dvhirst
doug wrote:In this vein, while I do appreciate being told "what" to do, one of the things I miss in tutorials (even Den's) is understanding "why" that step does what it does. To that end I have occasionally communicated with Den offline via e-mail. Recognizing that conveying the "why" behind certain steps would be easiest in face-to-face seminars and most difficult in video or written tutorials, I still want to put forth a request to keep in the back of your mind, the desire of some of us to understand "why" (and not just "what" or "how"). Once we understand the theory of why doing something this way versus that way works best, we have an improved chance of thinking through the steps that might solve a different post processing challenge in the future.

Thanks for this thought. It sounds like you and I are of similar age and disposition; I am intensely curious about the "why" of some of the techniques I've seen via the Message Board and would second your view that this aspect needs to be in mind as folks work through any presentations that result from this thread.

Re: PWP Seminar(s)

Posted: January 27th, 2012, 4:25 pm
by jczinn
just to chime and and say I'd definitely be keen to join a webinar--although I've been using PWP since version 2(!!) I still don't utilize 1/4 of its powerful tools. Partly I am too lazy to try to figure out some it out myself, and I feel I get good results with what I do know, but I am one that really does better if I can see tools in action. So count me in, assuming this comes together and the timing works...

Re: PWP Seminar(s)

Posted: January 10th, 2013, 11:55 am
by bbodine9
Is anyone aware if any videos or webinars might still be in the production mode for PWP? Thanks!

Re: PWP Seminar(s)

Posted: January 11th, 2013, 2:51 am
by georgemc
I'd be interested in this also.